Your new best choice

Registration of new and used Poland flag vessels

flag your boat now!

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Do not waste time

We have more than 20 years of experience

 With more than 20 years of experience in the European nautical sector, selling, importing and registering boats in the markets of Spain, France and Italy, the Abandera tu barco team is already more than qualified to provide you with the services you need to register your boat. under the Polish flag providing them with clear and simple information.

We have offices in both Spain and Poland (You can bring us the documentation of your boat in hand and collect the registration by hand if you wish). If not, you can send everything you need by email and we will send you the provisional permit by email and the final permit by certified mail.

  • Head of the Office in Spain:   Stephane M. 
  • Head of the Office in Poland:   Sylwia Z. 
Having your boat with a poland flag while a resident in a european union country is fully legal and valid

There are no navigation zones in poland

Can be governed with spanish degrees

The registration is definitive and does not need renewal

Your boat will not have to pass itb every 5 years like in spain

There is no mandatory salvation material, but you can consult this link to know the minimum recommended material


Frequent questions

Is it legal to have your boat registered in Poland if I am a Spanish resident?

Yes, any resident of the European Union can have their boat registered in Poland and sail with it wherever they want, otherwise the Polish authorities would not allow registrations. 


Can I steer a boat with the Polish flag with my Spanish qualification?

There is no problem, it is more as provided by ROYAL DECREE 875/2014 OF OCTOBER 10 in ANNEX IX, Poland is one of the few countries to have its qualifications validated in Spain being reciprocal with the Spanish qualifications for government of flagged vessels Polish.


If my boat has a Polish flag, what legislation should I comply with? 

The boats are all subject to the legislation of their flag country and its mandatory compliance and Polish legislation is much less rigid than Spanish.


What safety equipment am I required to carry on my Polish-flagged boat?

As we have said before, being of the Polish flag, the boat must comply with the legislation of that country, and in Poland, as in Spain, there is no list of mandatory security elements, therefore you will not be able to be fined, that is why we always recommend carrying the adequate safety material for the navigation that you are going to carry out.


Can I cross my boat with the Polish flag from the peninsula to the Balearic Islands, and if so, do I have to do something?

In Poland there are no navigation areas so as long as your qualification allows it with a boat with a Polish flag you can cross to the Balearic Islands from wherever you wish on the peninsula, if that is the case, we recommend that you carry the necessary safety equipment on board. as well as, although not mandatory, a lifeboat.


Can I insure my boat here in Spain or should I do it in Poland?

You can perfectly insure your boat here in Spain. If you need it, we can provide you with a budget to insure your boat in Spain.


How often do I have to renew my boat’s registration in Poland?

Vessel registrations in Poland are final and therefore do not need to be renewed.


Should I pass ITB?

No, boats with the Polish flag do not pass ITB regardless of their length, although we always recommend that your boat be well maintained by professional services to avoid any type of problems.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.



The registrations for the Polish flag are for pleasure boats for personal or professional use (rental) up to 24 meters, for boats of more lengths you can consult us by email.





Payments are made here in Spain and we have 3 forms of payment:

  • IBAN
  • In cash at our Nautica Vegamar offices

We will send you by email the list of the necessary documentation to register your boat in Poland.

If you have a registration problem, missing papers, inability to cancel in other countries due to not being able to contact the previous owner, etc. You can contact us and we will try to help you unblock the situation.

We can help you?


1 + 14 =

Náutica Vegamar

Calle Alemania, 18, Almoradí, Alicante
686 62 79 07

According to Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, Abanderatubarcoya will integrate the personal data provided in automated files of its responsibility, having at all times the affected right of access, and where appropriate , of opposition, rectification and cancellation by contacting our office located in CALLE ALEMANIA, 18, ALMORADÍ, ALICANTE, either by email to or by phone +34 686 62 79 07, all within the limits provided in the current legislation on Protection of Personal Data and other provisions of corresponding application.